Why Girls Don’T Text BackHas this ever happened to you? A girl seems interested in you… but when you send her a text she either; a.) takes forever to text you back, and when she responds it's with a short one word answer that displays a complete lack of interest (even though she was clearly into you in person) b.) she completely ignores your text I just found this video and it explains exactly why a girl will ignore your text (even if she likes you) and what texts to send to guarantee that she responds. ==> Watch the video here http://www.magneticmessaging.com/go.php?pid=1&offer=judo1023 The video is pretty scary actually. Because it explains something called “the window of opportunity” and how once it closes the girl is GONE for good. The video also reveals a sequence of three specific texts you can send that gets a girl anxious to meet up with you
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Date Posted: 2/22/2025 12:10:37 PM
Posted in Category: Personals
Posted in: Australia
Ad ID: 7995267