Vrd-485 Forecourt Rfid ReaderVRD-485 RFID reader with RS-485 interface is intended for reading RFID contactless identifiers (cards, tags, bracelets, others) of EM-marine type (EM-4100) and Mifare type (UltraLight, Mifare One S50, Mifare One S70, others) and sending it over RS-485 interface. VRD-485 reader provides reading of the identifier from distance from 50 to 80 mm (depending on the conditions). Reader allows to configure buzzer and 2 color LEDs for indication (green and red). There are 2 variants of VRD-485 readers: VRD-485 intended for reading EM-marine type of identifiers VRD-485M intended for EM-marine and Mifare types of identifiers Control over reader # Data transmission with the VRD-485 reader is performed through the RS-485 interface. The reader control protocol is Modbus RTU. Communication is done using requests sent by the control system and responses from the reader. It is also possible to operate the reader in a simplified mode, in which it transmits the code of the read RFID identifier without any request sent to it (this is done to simplify the work of programmers when a complex solution to a simple problem is not required). Configuration utility # VRD-485 readers have a configuration utility running under Windows OS, which allows to configure: to configure reader’s communication address to configure reader’s communication parameters to search for the reader in case if you forgot its communication address and communication parameters to enable and disable automatic tag reading (in this case the reader automatically sends the ID of the tag read to the line, for this feature to work without collisions the reader should be only one on the line) to set indication of the reader by its LEDs and buzzer More information: https://www.technotrade.ua/vrd-485-reader.html
Contact Email: osipenol@ukr.net
Contact Phone: +380445024655
Manufacturer: Technotrade LLC
Number of Details Views: 92
Date Posted: 2/13/2025 8:26:09 AM
Posted in Category: Industrial equipment
Posted in: Argentina
Ad ID: 9376089